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Grey Juice Lab's Mihai Crasneanu: NFTs are the natural evolution of content distribution

January 30, 2023

"We need more opportunities for all creators and producers to reach audiences." Of this Mihai Crasneanu, CEO of Grey Juice Lab, who is dabbling in the NFT world as part of his career as a content aggregator, is convinced.

"To give more value and monetization for those who have rights to content and those who distribute it, technology evolved in the last few years and the most incredible of all is blockchain" he explains. "NFTs are a way to directly connect the IP of a work with the fans and audience so that interest in it continues and develops" he said.

Crasneanu notes that there are different options for linking NFTs to a series or movie, either by creating some token associated with the work, or a character and utilities from the blockchain. "NFT is the natural evolution of content distribution."

From his new company Beem, Crasneanu is incorporating this technology. It's a platform that allows creators to create their own platforms to monetize their content. "It's a mix of traditional platform and Web3, where the assets belong to their owners. This gives sovereignty over content to creators and brands."

For the entrepreneur, NFTs are not a fad. "The technology is a tool that is going to have a phenomenal impact on everything we are doing in the industry. We invite everyone to understand how it works. You have to take ownership of it."

Watch LIVE with Mihai Crasneanu of Grey Juice Lab

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